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Poems by Danette Kettwich

poem count: 157 | pages: 18 | first place: 2 times | second place: 4 times | finalist: 23 times
Solitary Symphony
Waking to an early bird's symphony reminds me to sing my own praise-symphony to God my Creator!

Victory will be Won!
Claim the victory- God will see you through!

The Angels Kept Silent
I was pondering what the angels felt as Christ was lead to Calvary, this poem started with the rhythm of "Away in a Manger" then took on a pattern of it's own. May God bless you as you worship Christ this Easter Season.

Battle Cry
The Israelites Claimed the Victory at the Wall of Jericho Because they had the faith God would make the walls crumble..We must to must claim the victory even if before the fact..

Earthly Woe- To Me Is Dead
A proclamation against a self centered world philosophy Psalms 91:9-11

Father, Sovereign Supreme finalist in poetry contest
Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Earthly Woe
A poem of the trials of life that lead us down many paths, but if in Christ- we will be carried through these trials on the strength of His mighty wings.

Messiah King
It flows from wounds pierced with pain,A healing power that does sustain.‘Tis Naught! A vacant tomb remains!Ne’er again to death restrain!

Trusting Christ
Christ will remain faithful through it all if we maintain our trust in Him.