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Poems by Danette Kettwich

poem count: 157 | pages: 18 | first place: 2 times | second place: 4 times | finalist: 23 times
Mercy is New Each Day
After a rough day, I spent the night reading scripture and woke with a renewed attitude, I'm thankful for God's mercy renewing daily!

In God's Arms
This poem is in memory to a sweet lady from our church Mrs. Harker. I was able to encourage her and her husband through my poetry after her stroke. May God be with Mr. Harker in this time of loss.

The Eternal Race
This poem was written in honor of a young girl in our area who lost her fight with cancer. I pray for healing for all the families that are battling this illness.

Corn Stalks
The cornstalks waiting for the harvest represents us waiting for the return of Christ. This poem is also a tribute to the mid-west farmer's having trouble getting their crops out this year due to wet conditions.

My prayer is to see the Glory of God in every aspect of my life. I fail often but God continues to reveal himself to me.

Portrait of Grace
I was pondering if we could every really describe God's grace, forgiveness, or glory? I don't think we would ever even begin to comprehend a fraction of who God is.

This poem is to Thank the Lord for my favorite season Autumn!

Can I Sign Your Name This Day?
I often contemplate how many times I miss God's blessings because I failed to listen or follow through...

My Great Escape
Oh Lord, hold me close. Whisper in the wind until at last I can Face it all again. I want run to you, The air that I breathe. My soul’s true freedom, You are all I need. Jesus it is you My Great Escape