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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
I was relaxing on the acupuncturist's table, thinking about writing a poem about Jesus, and these words came to me.

Righteous Is Godly
In the attempt to serve God, as we do things to honor Him, we need to be righteous.

Our Blessed Marriage
Marriage is blessed because God's word blesses marriage. He is all about covenants and keeping them. I'm thankful that today we're in the covenant of grace. A good marriage is a slap in the devil's face. I doubt he has another cheek to turn. Just saying

A Call to Battle
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: II Cor. 9:8. I want to do and say things that are Spirit led, to walk in the Spirit. I know what the Lord has done.

The Silent Genocide
Abortion is an atrocity that happens all around the globe, may our Merciful Father forgive us for allowing such sin to take place in our beloved homeland.

Lord Jesus, have Your way
A personal prayer poem inspired by Philippians 1 : 6 and Philippians 3 : 20.

The Hidden Manna in the Wilderness
Coming out of the wilderness! This poem I just wrote today after a few season(s) in the wilderness. It was a first for me since I got saved May 15th 2016.

Terminal finalist in poetry contest
Death & dying we cannot escape in this world, but life in Christ cushions the blow and is hope beyond the grave.

God's Great Care
The Lord's great care for us

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