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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Nothing Compares to His Sacrifice finalist in poetry contest
There is no greater example of sacrifice than what our Saviour gave and endured for OUR sake....

The Colors of Age finalist in poetry contest
This poem describes some of the changes I've walked through since having breast cancer 4 years ago. I'm cancer free now praise be to God!

Seasons second in poetry contest
Death, Life, Work & Love / Winter, Spring, Summer & Autumn...

Father You are Glorious
This is a poem about the glory of God. It does the heart good to meditate on the glorious attributes of God and to remember that God, and all the He is, is for us. His strength and mercy and love make for a strong foundation upon which to build our hope.

Journal of My Life with God 8
Journal of My Life with God Volume 8

From Guilt Into Hope
Hebrews 12:11No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

A Life Changing Journey
Only Jesus can change a life to make it what God would have it be, just as He did with The Apostle Paul.

Love Offering From He Who Owed Us Nothing
with Easter approachingits message of hope rings nearer and dearer than everas I reflect on God's glorious gift of grace for all mankind forever, to we, sinners that stand condemnedbut for the redemption that poured from Calvary's cross once fo

Step-by-Step Soul-diers
Hopefully hugs and kisses to our youngsters far out-numbers scolding and discipline, but sometimes when our 'discipline' seems harsh at the moment it's good to remember this is no ordinary task; these are soul-diers we are training!

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