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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Infallible Word of God
Why I believe God Word is Infallible and should stay that way!

The Threshold of Fear
Don't let that slimy old serpent cross it!

Give up, Never finalist in poetry contest
Don't ever give up and give in to a worldly attitude!

The Season's Of Life
For each season God has a reason . . .

In Your Image
If I could start all over Lord...

My Endless Joy Untold
A poem about our response to the costliness of the cross of Christ.

The Wedding At Cana. John Ch 2.
An astonished member of the bridal party watches events unfold at the wedding.

The Word Became Flesh. John Ch. 1 v. 14
An attempt to penetrate the trivialities, and reach the heart of Christmas.

Sunbeam finalist in poetry contest
I composed this when in desperate need. While I was walking home from the bus stop, I caught the sunbeams shining through the trees. In my mind I saw them like a bridge leading right up to heaven that I could walk on.

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