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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
God is In Control
. . . although the world is spinning out of control . . . God always is in control.

God's Rainbow
It's not a gay thing . . . it is a GOD thing!

Sin No More . . . finalist in poetry contest
Yes, Jesus forgives you and will not condemn . . . but you must stop from sinning again!

In Satan's Synagogue
There are only lies and destruction!

Always In God's View
As we are always in God's view, may He always find us pleasing Him.

Sunshine Behind The Clouds
I heard this quote, "Into each life, some rain must fall." Let's thank God for the rain as well as the sunshine.

Abiding Peace
God gives peace that passes all understanding.

Obeying Rules
In every stage of life, there are rules to obey. A Christian should want to obey God's rules.

What's It All About
I said the prayer...But most of all I knew Jesus was there. He is the reason for my Salvation. Praise His Holy Name!

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