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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
You Cannot Earn Salvation
Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast."

A Child Is Known By His Doings
Proverbs 20:11 says, "Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it is right."

Lemonade Lucy
Some of our nation's leaders and their families have displayed their faith and convictions while serving. Lucy Hayes, the wife of Rutherford Hayes, our 19th President, refused to serve alcohol in the White House.

A Sound Defeat!
The battle is the Lord's and He will deliver a sound defeat.

I'm Moving On finalist in poetry contest
I am in the midst of packing 40 years of stuff and moving into a smaller home. The question is what to take, what to toss,and what has become my idol?

Give Me Those Old Gospel Songs
I am not a big fan of the music I hear in church these days . . . just give me those good old Gospel songs!

Rosa's Last Witness for Christ
Many Christians seek opportunities to witness for Christ while they are in the hospital, even until their dying day, as Rosa did.

A Vessel For Christ
Proverbs 25:4 says, "Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer." May we allow God to take away the dross from our lives, so we can be vessels for His use.

The Sparrow finalist in poetry contest
Through broken glass I saw, alas, that sparrow fly right by.

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