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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
An Angel Sings
God will send the smallest creature to display His compassion and love for us. The hummingbird, His most delicate creation is one of many gifts from Him.

What God Do You Believe In?
There are many different religious views about God in today's world . . . which one is yours?

The Lighthouse
What is it about the lighthouse? How special can it be?

Pass Over Me Father
This poem begins with the very first Passover and carries over to Christ being my Passover Lamb at Calvary.

Mephibosheth! Mephibosheth!
Whenever I teach the Bible story about Mephibosheth in my children's church class, I always let those who want to say his name try to pronounce it. They have fun doing it, and it helps them remember the story.

Thirsty Souls
The soul thirsts after the living waters flowing from the Fountain Head!

God's Glory Declared!
The heavens declare His glory and handiwork . . .

In The Courtroom of Heaven
Thanks to the precious blood of my Lord and Savior from God's wrath I will be spared!

-Two Kids in the Mud-
Hosea 7:1 They're mud spattered head to toe with the residue of sin.The Message Bible

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