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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
A Sinner Saved By Grace
I know that I should never think more highly of myself than I ought to, because I am just a sinner saved by grace.

The Pearl Of Great Price
This poem was inspired by a sermon preached at my church in October of 2010, based on the parable in Matthew 13:45-46.

Just Pray
Sometimes, when someone is going through a hard time, the best thing to do is pray for them. This shows greater love than anything in the world.

He Washed And Came Seeing
Until we are washed in the blood of the Lamb, we are spiritually blind. Speaking of a blind man, John 9:7b says, "He went his way therefore, and washed and came seeing."

"We Never Saw It On This Fashion"
After Jesus healed one sick with palsy, onlookers were amazed that the man took up his bed and walked. Mark 2:12b says, "We never saw it on this fashion."

I'm Not A Monkey!
Lord, if you every see me on my hands and knees it's only because I am worshiping and giving my praise to thee!

Exactly Like You
April 2, 2012 would have been our 55th Wedding Anniversary had my husband not diedin 2008. He said I would need someone but there's no one exactly like him.

Consider The Poor
There have been times that I have tried to ignore those in need, but the Holy Spirit always convicts me. I know that God wants me to help those in need.

The Anchor Holds
Many times we go through storms or trials, were it not for faith in Almighty God, we would not make it through and come out victoriously.

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