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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
This is just a little comical poem I wrote about the length of a man's hair, which is an issue in many churches.

God Has Great Things For You
God has great things planned for you and they will far exceed what you think or ask Him to do!

God's Holy Joy
The joy of the Lord is our strength!

Compassion first in poetry contest
I've seen so many hurts because of wagging tongues and pointing fingers, but how would Jesus treat these same people? I think with love and compassion, and we need to follow his example a little more as we deal with one another.

If I Could Write Your Name . . .
If I could write up in heaven . . . I would write your name and pray that you'd give your life over to God!

For Evermore
God promises to wipe away all our tears and take away all our pain ~ for evermore!

His Eyes Are Everywhere . . .
He is looking for those who love Him with their whole heart and all of their mind.

This is Were I Am
There are times when we don't know where we're going or how we're going to get there, that's when we take that "big step" of faith and hold tight to Father's hand.

I wrote this poem after my husband passed away. As much as I miss him and feel the loss, I have peace in knowing that he is in Heaven with Jesus. When I get lonely and sad, I read my poem to remind me that I will see him again someday.

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