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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Till it Happened to me
Some of the things I wrote in the poem really happened to me. I wrote it after my feet thawed out that day.

He Made Everything
Without Him was nothing made that was made so I conclude He lays a certain person on your heart to love.

Let Them See the Joy
I wrote this when my father died and I was too talk to those who came to pay their respects.

In The Secret Place
I have a lot of gamily, a few friends . . . but the Lord is my go to person!

The Battle is Over
I was discussing a personal family problem with my pastors wife. She made the comment that it's not my battle. The battle is over when you fall on your knees. This comment inspired me to write this poem.

Safe In The Storm
Once saved we are safe and secure in the Lord's hand.

Jesus Is The Light
Jesus is the light of the world who gives us joy unspeakable.

Healer of Heartaches
This is a song I wrote after our house fire in 1990.

Twilight Years . . .
Getting older is the pits, but with God's grace its doable!!!

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