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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Unsearchable Treasures
This mighty treasure where mercy, grace, and love are given to those who find it in Christ.

Let Them Hear
Everywhere I turn, no matter what I listen to, read, or watch, as a Christian I am being put down, mocked, and laughed at . . . but that is ok with me . . . I have nothing to be ashamed of!

With Me
I wrote this from Vicki's remark in Bible Study. She said it would probably scare us if we could see angels around us.

Hidden Treasure
I wrote this on the mountain in North Carolina. I thought I needed time away from my family so I visited my sister-in-law. I found the hidden treasure right where I left it.

The Viewing finalist in poetry contest
I wrote this just before attending my sister Lorraine's viewing. I changed the poem from her to him at my husband's viewing. I have never hurt deeper.

If We the People
We as a nation must pray for God to heal our land.

I am His Student second in poetry contest
I love to read and study the Word and consider myself a student of God's.

Double Talk
It was Independance Day in the 90's. I was visiting a church service when an anti-war person stood up and ruined the services. That's how I came up with the poem.

Searching for it still today,but only for the easy way,still searching...

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