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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Moment I Trusted
I wrote this poem a few months after our house fire when we lost everything and had to start over from scratch.

Stop to Wonder
I wrote "Stop to Wonder" one Christmas when we were having financial difficulties.

His Painting
Now stars hold God's canvas while brush strokes so grand, paint vivid colors with love's perfect hand.

The Tiny Sparrow
This is one of the first poems I wrote because of my sister Barbara's story she told about the sparrow caught in the window looking frightened but broke free and flew away. She was going through a trial at that time.

Invisible Wings
I was inspired to write this poem because of all the doctors, nurses and even patients who encouraged me in my fight with breast cancer.

If Ever I am Missing
It's been half a century since I wrote this, I thought I had problems then but I was very young, married and pregnant as a teen.

Things that are to come through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior.

Alive, I'm Alive
Alive in Christ, dead in sin, a prodigal returns home!

I Have Not Gone home Alone
Many of us lose Christian family members, and friends who live examplary lives for Jesus. I often use this as a comfort poem for funerals. It is our ultimate tesitmony of hope to those we leave behind.

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