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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Directions to the Cross
I wrote this poem for a Antique tractor show that my church hosts every fall. It was part of our evangelism tent. It tells others about God's salvation and how to obtain it.

Sweet Release
This poem was written just before the first anniversary of my husband's death. I was and still am amazed at the peace and contentment the precious Savior gave to me after such a devastating loss!

My Quest
I wrote this poem in the 2 years after my husband's death. It's showing my frustration in taking on all of the day to day responsibilities, but shows how God is with me each and every day to help me get through!

Teach Me to Pray
A Christian poem of faith.

Is That You, Lord?
He is always with us; we just need to be more aware of His presence.

It's all about trust. Every day in every way!!

His Song of Love
He is singing His song all over the world. I heard this song years ago, I hope you hear it too. For He is singing your name, He wants you to hear His plea for your soul ...

-Heaven and Hell-
Answering the question, as to whether or not there is a heaven or a hell..Isaiah 14:12-15 (New King James Version)

A Mountain Morning
To me, being from the low country, there is something special about waking up to the beauty God has placed in the mountains.

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