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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Psalm 5--Hear My Plea, O Lord
David's early morning Devotional prayer was musically arranged to be sung in worship by Israel.

For the Love of Jeffery Rentz
A 17 year old young man has befriended me from Baton Rouge. A couple weeks ago he sent me roses. He calls me Mawmaw. He is such a Godly child. I did absolutely nothing for his love. God speaks so tenderly through my precious friend, Jeffery.

Only God can deliver us from our sorrow. Depend on Him to bring the joy and life and never look for justice, but never cease to give it away.

Worth It finalist in poetry contest
She was so worth it as I tramped to get a photo of her. God's creations never cease to amaze me.

We have a Christian physician. She prays with us and searches for the why of medicine. Ultimately she trusts in God for the answer, and so do I. We can't always know the answer to the why.

Life is a Gift
My husband has been very sick for over three months now. I forgot to shut my computer off one night and I was incredulous of the emails and prayers that came to us. I am so thankful for these friends who pray for us. It is a gift from God.

Is It Over Yet?
We all need encouragement when we become overwhelmed with life. Someday this life will be OVER, but the the best is yet to come. Eternal Life with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...

A Fluttering in My Heart
I wrote this poem for Dr. Anne. It is about her first born son. She is a lovely Christian woman that I have had the pleasure of knowing and attended the graduation of this precious young man.

Psalm 3--A Cry for Help
A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his son

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