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Poems About Family

Over The Line
My fondest childhood memories conveyed in rhyme.

Daddy I'm Missing You
My Daddy died in 1979, of Cancer, when he was 46 years old and I was only 20. On this day in 2002, I was really missing him. So I wrote this poem.

If Not For Our Mothers
I wrote this poem for my Mother and all mothers, on Mother's Day 2008. She has since passed away, in 2016.

Marriage Vow Limericks
A lighter look at a serous subject. Marriage is a scared union but it can help to be able to smile at ourselves.

Remember Mother!
Mother’s Day is a day to love, to reflect, to give thanks, and a day to remember not just that we had a mother, for we all had a mother, but a day to appreciate our “Mothers.”

A tribute to my mother

The Old Man first in poetry contest
Reflections on my father and myself

Here and Now
Marriage vows before God

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