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Poems About Family

Remember Mother!
Mother’s Day is a day to love, to reflect, to give thanks, and a day to remember not just that we had a mother, for we all had a mother, but a day to appreciate our “Mothers.”

A tribute to my mother

The Old Man first in poetry contest
Reflections on my father and myself

Here and Now
Marriage vows before God

There is only one earthly thing of any spiritual value, and that is family. God created us. Jesus redeemed us. The Holy Spirit guided us, and family sustained us.

Lesson Of The Doily
A friend of mine who is a pastor’s wife was doing a doily related theme for Mother’s Day. I wrote this to go along with the theme.

The Sad Prefab
Looking back on life for 9 of us living in an old pre-fab life was very hard. What a difference knowing Jesus means!

Memories finalist in poetry contest
Remembering true love... and reality.

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