A Simple Touch
The word touch is used 48 times in the Bible and with few exceptions they have a negative connotation attributed to them. The primary exceptions were those trying to touch Jesus or his clothes.
The older we become, the more we appreciate the examples and lessons of our parents. We see Godliness is displayed through the simple acts of living by Godly principles, not by public proclaim.
Over the sunset hill
All of us have felt the emotions of sadness and peace, at one time or another. I experienced those emotions back in 1985 while sitting at my grandmothers bedside.
My mother's walker
Praise God, there will be no need for walkers, when we get to heaven. This poem is in memory of my dear mother who passed on to glory in 2003.
Happy Birthday, Rebekah
This is a poem to wish my granddaughter in Heaven a happy birthday. I know that she is happy there with Jesus and her loved ones who have gone there too.