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Poems About Spiritual Growth

The Fear of the Lord
The Fear of the Lord God Almighty

New Life With Christ
A new life with Christ

A word on building houses…
Inspired by Matthew 7 : 24 - 26 and Psalm 127 : 1

Strangers Trying to Love
Too often our relationships are only on the surface. We are struggling to love people, when they are really only strangers. Time to get vulnerable even if it is scary for the beauty we will discover when we allow ourselves to open up will be transforming

True Colors
Our true colors cannot be hidden for long - but they can be transformed by the beauty of God's grace

To Be Christ's Follower
There is no promise of ease in the believer's life, save that of Christ being our rest. Those who trust in garments or in keeping the seventh day holy are bending their knees to a created thing, not the Creator Himself, Jesus Christ.

A Place for Me
We are home when we are living safe in the refuge of His love and grace - resting in the fact we are truly known

Embrace Love Instead
This poem contrasts the difference between bitterness and forgiveness - may we be careful in what we embrace!

The Secret place.
A poem concerning developing our secret place with the Lord.

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