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We sorted through the poems and listed here what we felt were the better ones.
Living What’s Best
Contrasts living without grace and living with grace.

Love on Show
True healing comes from knowing God's love and grace.

In My Darkest Moment, There Was the Gospel
I wrote this poem in my darkest moment in life. My life was falling apart. and this poem was an outlet. And for a while, I wasn't ready to share something so personal. This poem is about what Jesus has done for me and it was my way of thanking him.

Background Noise finalist in poetry contest
How background noise in our minds shuts out the sound of truth.

Take Shelter finalist in poetry contest
A warning to take shelter in Jesus before the wrath of the Father comes against sin

Contrast of Two Hope’s
This poem explores and contrasts 2 types of hope - The hope that the world has which is based on wishful thinking (first 2 stanza's) and hope that a Christian has which is based on the promises of God which are certain and sure! (last 2 stanza's)

Exhausting Ways
We often exhaust ourselves through effort, stress and worry. Instead, may we exhaust self in prayer!

Carried Home
How we are found by the Lord and carried home to Heaven on His broad shoulders

BRING GLORY TO HIS HOLY NAME second in poetry contest
Each year my New Year's Resolution seems to be the unattainable goal of bringing glory to His Holy name. Each year I fall short, and each year I try again.

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