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Poems by Gertrude Jefferies

poem count: 157 | pages: 18 | first place: 6 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 23 times
I Plead The Blood
I've never stood in a courtroom before, but I can imagine what how it would feel to be able to stand before a judge and know your crimes had already been paid for. This is our priviledge in the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Praise God!

Songs of Praise finalist in poetry contest
It is hard to sing when everything is going badly, but that's when we need to sing the most. Not a song of complaining, but of trust and hope in the God of our salvation. It's hard to do, but it works.

I was reading a verse of What a friend we have in Jesus,and just wondered where I would be, if Jesus hadn't called me to himself.

Not By Works finalist in poetry contest
so many people think they can work their way into heaven, although our works are important, they will never bring us salvation. Eph.2:9 says, not of works, lest any man should boast.

Go With God, Saxon
My nephew leaves for Afganistan in a few days, and we realize the possibility of never seeing him alive again. I wrote this poem for him

Times of Refreshing
We can get so busy working for God that we don't take the time to spend with God. It is so important that we take the time to come apart from the world, and spend time with the Father.

Your Presence
There is something about being in the Presence of Jesus, that changes everything. It brings peace, comfort, strentgh and more than that, it brings the reality of our relationship with him.

Have Faith finalist in poetry contest
Sometimes our prayers are delayed, and we wonder why we don't get answers immediately, but God wants us to trust him, have faith that he will send us what we need at the right time.

The Big House
I wrote this because we are all slaves to the world and sin, until we make up our minds, to go to Father?s house and his receive salvation. I also used the allagory of slave looking up at what they usually called the Big House,the plantation owner's hom