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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Once Upon A Fall
My daughter received an advertisement from a store with the words Once A Fall in bold letters. My mind went another direction, thinking of the fall of mankind, my own experience with sin and what Jesus did to redeem fallen man. God’s love is so real!

There is only one earthly thing of any spiritual value, and that is family. God created us. Jesus redeemed us. The Holy Spirit guided us, and family sustained us.

Final Judgment
For those who think that being "good" is enough to save you IF God turns out to be real. Ask yourself how you can receive a reward you've rejected all, or most of your life? It will be Your judgement and testimony that will convict you!

Filthy Rags
Pride is easy. Humility is hard! When I wrote this poem, I wasn't fond of what it was telling me about myself. So I can imagine how it makes others feel, hearing it, not from God own voice, but from a mere servant! Satan is found in anger.

A Little Place
There’s a little place, inside my mind. Where only joy and peace I find. And in that spot, that’s tucked away. Are thoughts of how I used to pray.

Dying Breath finalist in poetry contest
We must never put off until tomorrow that which should be addressed today.

Dreams And Consequences finalist in poetry contest
We must alway be aware of where our goals might lead, and never assume that we can't be swayed by sin.

The silence of love
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

Everlasting Love
After experiencing a heartbreak, I finally realized it’s only God’s love that lasts. His. love is like no other - unfathomable, unconditional, eternal.

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