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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Creation and Christmas
In the beginning, as God created the world and all that's in it, He knew there would be a Christmas day.

The Home Beyond The Sun
There's no place like home-The home beyond the Sun.

My Heart’s Greatest Desire
When we stand before the Lord, it will be a most solemn time. How I want to hear Him say, Well done.......

The Mission first in poetry contest
Jesus said, He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, sometimes we want to only minister to the "better class of people" and ignore those who we consider "unworthy" of our ministries. God help us to remember Jesus died for ALL man

Past and Present
Satan loves to throw past sins and mistakes back into our faces, we must remember that Christ has paid for repentant sin and we are no longer bound to it.

By the Look in my Eyes
Fourth Christmas coming up without my husband and my lifetime best friend. I just wrote this today, November 29, 2011

The WInter Soul
Winter of the soul can be a long, cold, lonely season . . . unless it find comfort in knowing that God has His reason!

Christmas Gift
Just another reminder of the greatest gift of all. God's Son.

So Far To Go finalist in poetry contest
The wagon covers' full of holes and leaks each time it rains. The mud strains both the horses. Our perseverence wanes.

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