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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Jesus Reigns
Well, the title says it all. Jesus reigns, up high in heaven above and I would like to thank Him for His sacrifice.

A Poet's Prayer
As a writer and a poet, God has given me and all other writers a gift and expects it to be used for His glory. I pray that I always seek His will and His words and that others may receive a blessing from the words in His precious name.

On Wings Like A Dove
He will teach His Sparrow to fly, He will give you wings like a dove, and will show you how to mount up and soar like an eagle He will give you the wings of His love.

Thoughtfulness can be shared in many ways. Through small acts of kindness or through larger acts that are time consuming. No matter, they are welcomed.

Hard Drive second in poetry contest
Is your hard drive infected?

Temptations, Lies and The Devil
Every once in awhile we follow a road that leads to to get trapped in the web of lies. The liar, satan himself finds every mean possible to lure you away from God

Light of God
Looking to Jesus and embracing His light, life and truth

The Angels Song
About angels singing praise

Seeing Through The Darkest Times
Facing life's challenges and getting through them with God

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