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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
No Delays
The journey into heaven will be a smooth one for all who are prepared to go.

Believing On Christ
Believing on Christ's name as your personal savior with faith is the only way to be saved.

I Know No Other
There is no one who has come before or who will ever come after, for He is Yahweh and there is no one else.

At God's Side
A young man named Jeffery Rentz asked me to write a poem that he could read at his grandfather's memorial service. It was an honor to write about Jim Rentz, a godly man. He wrote a poem called, "When We Have No Place to Go."

After the Light
The Holy Spirit of God holds me tight, when I am most vulnerable. He moans and groans to intercede, then covers me in His light...

What Good Am I?
Your plans are to prosper me and not harm me. I pray to remember this day upon awakening. Let me give all life's experience back to those in need. What good am I indeed...

Today is my Father's birthday. I am thinking about the time we shared together.

David V.S. Goliath
We'll its about the battle between David and the giant Goliath

Harps of Gold
About angels praising the Lord.

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