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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Sunshine of Passion finalist in poetry contest
It's about the beauty of God's love

How Do You Know God Loves Us?
I heard a small child ask him mom, How do you know God loves me? After thinking about it for a couple of days these words came to mind.

Walking Faith
What mere words can so define...a special Son, a special cross,to a world, forever lost?

Take A Look Around You
When we take a look around, outside of the beauty of His creations and our personal blessings... there is a lost world and we need to let them know the truth...let your light shine in the darkness of unbelief.

Rest in His Love
I was really tired at the end of this long week, and I had just listened to a sermon by Charles Stanley on love.

I am But Your Lamb
I will let my Shepherd lead me . . . for I trust Him with my life.

Even To This Mountain
As God led His children to the Promise Land, so He leads us to Heaven's Mt.Zion through the Mt. of Calvary

Riches to Riches finalist in poetry contest
The riches we have here on earth can disappear very quickly, while the riches from God will never fade.

If I Were More Like My Master
If we claim we live in Him than we must walk as Jesus did.

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