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Comforting & Joyous Poems

To Praise Him
Some reasons why I praise the Lord

As The Mountains
I wrote this poem based on Psalm 125:2 - "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever."

Mourning's Gift
Sometimes we need to mourn - the perspective gained can often bring healing and teach us what is really important.

The Last Sleep
What it might be like closing my eyes the last time.

Blessed Assurance
A poem that describes the assurance we have that all sin Is erased with belief in Jesus and that God's children will go to heaven.

Thankful for Your Tears
A friend was asked to pray at a funeral which was a result of a suicide. He cried all the way through the prayer. Afterwards the Dad of the man who died came up to him and gave him a hug and said "Thank you for your tears". Sometimes words are not enough

The fragile frame of Jesus was lifted high upon a rugged cross - bearing all the weight of our sin.

Just Trust finalist in poetry contest
Though we have struggles in this life, we need to just trust Jesus

Joy of Favor
We often have restless souls - caused by our striving. Sometimes God strips away all our coping mechanisms so we learn to lean only on Him and His strength. This journey is often hard but it is what is needed so our intimacy with God can thrive!

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