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Comforting & Joyous Poems

"A Prayer for Peace"
The world needs peace. Hopefully this phone will help bring peace into your life.. Grace and Peace be upon you!

Chanting Promises finalist in poetry contest
Poetic chant of truths for hope from promises in His word.

Blessed to be a Dad finalist in poetry contest
This poem speaks to the joys of fatherhood, and the appreciation fathers have for their precious bundles of joy - their children, who are gifts from the Lord--each is a blessing entrusted to them to love, protect, guide, and care for while on this earth.

A Note From Heaven
Sometimes we need to be reminded that, no matter what, God is by our side.

You Never Know finalist in poetry contest
Don’t second guess what you do or share, because you never know the plans God has for your story.

Your Life Matters
1 John 4: 9-10 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our

The Treasure Within
I had a lot of insecurities, especially as concerning my physical appearance. I almost went into depression, as people would say a lot of hurtful things about the way I look. One day, God showed me myself from his perspective and that changed everything!

Quiet Each Soul
The Lord quiets our restless souls when we seek Him - they rest securely in Him, where they are shielded forevermore.

Joyous God
So often people have the impression that God is a dreary God. Nothing could be further than the truth! He is the creator of fun, He delights in us - what a glorious thought. It's time to realize in our hearts what a joyous God we trust.

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