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God's Love, Grace & Mercy Poetry

The Gateway to Love
Many people are drowning in regret. This poem offers new living hope through the voice of grace - offered by our Lord

Embrace His Healing
We all need to fully accept the forgiveness of God

Praise For What God Has Done
Praise be to God for what He's done

Left on His Own
This poem tells the story of an orphaned boy, left on his own to roam the streets day and night until the day Jesus found him.

Resurrection's Triumph
Resurrection's Triumph" is a poignant poem that delves into the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through vivid imagery and emotive language, it portrays the agony of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, emphasizing his wounds as symbols of love

I Am a Pharisee
Before we turn a critical eye toward other people and their sins, we need to take a good look in the mirror. To paraphrase our Lord, we may well find enough planks in our eye to build a good- sized house.

Grace's Price: Jesus' Blood
Romans 5:8 - "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.""Though we falter and fail, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross demonstrates his love for us, offering redemption

As St. Teresa of Avila said, "He who has God finds he lacks nothing. God alone suffices.".

If God Didn't Love You
The more I read the Gospels, the more I am struck by the overwhelming conviction that it couldn't be anything other than the truth, that not even the greatest masters of literature could have conceived of such an incredible story.

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