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Christian Hope

Specially Designed
In the mystery of pain we stand alone in God's hand. No other case is just like ours. But God's special care for us is in more than able to meet our individual suffering. God cares for us deeply as individuals, and does not deal with us in a generic way.

Gift of Grace
A poem about the gift that Jesus gave us and that whoever you are and whatever has happened in your life, He loves you.

Where Hope is Found
When hope is looked for in what we can achieve it will always leave us lost and disappointed. However when we rest in his amazing grace, realizing our real life is hidden in Christ, we will find the joy of real and enduring hope!

Martha finalist in poetry contest
A poem about love, death, and Resurrection. Drawn from John 11

Hope has a Home
Hope is so much more than wishful thinking. Hope's foundation is the truth of Christ. His grace disrupts our thoughts and lets us rest in His hope. No longer a stranger but home in God's love

Into the Breach
War is always with us, but Jesus promises a day is coming of peace for all His followers

Time finalist in poetry contest
Time can be a friend or foe, but there is a friend that we never have to worry about betrayal.

Shadows turn to Sunshine!
There must be some benefits to living a Christian life! This poem outlines just a few of them for believers.

I Will Be Resurrected
I wrote this poem on August 5th, 2008 while watching my husband of 31 years, battling Colon Cancer. He passed away on August 11th, 2008.

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