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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Living Water
Inspired by John 7 : 37 - 39 (KJV), where Jesus invites all those who thirst spiritually, to come to Him, and drink.

That Rugged Cross
Shows a love for us that is beyond understanding.

Portrait of Heaven
I used to go through the bible for all descriptions of heaven. I tried to use all the beautiful scenes that will be seen the minute you graduate from this life into eternity.

There is a friend…
Inspired by Proverbs 18 : 24

The Master’s Voice.
A poem about discerning the voice of Jesus in our lives.

Ever So Slowly
It speaks of recognizing life's blessings, finding faith, and transforming your life so you can walk with and slowly become like Jesus.

Stop Abuse, Violence and Human Trafficking
There is so much abuse and violence in the world. Victims are held in captivity and sold against their will - Human trafficking is a problem throughout the world. This prayer is a plea to God to stop these heinous crimes, and to rescue the victims.

Step Through The Veil second in poetry contest
Finding God: what we think is not there is really just a veil before our lives.

Wrinkles finalist in poetry contest
We all age-it seems to creep up on us, then one day we look into the mirror and are surprised by what we see. Do we see an aging person, or look beyond those wrinkles and graying hair to see blessings and wisdom granted over the years? You be the judge.

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