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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Young Hearts
We should teach children about Jesus and God's principles from an early age.

The Lonely Places finalist in poetry contest
The words of this poem are all very self explanatory to those who know the Gospel. There is a challenge to unbeliever in the last stanza

Oh That Noise.
I have imagined the Apostle Peter in later years, reflecting on and sharing with others that day of denial.

Make Time
We need to make time for God in the midst of our busy lives.

Where will I go?
This is the first "Christian Poem" that I wrote almost 10 years ago, after a long time away from the Lord. Love In Christ Danette

You are Home
Birds that have flownFar from the home, Of their warm and cozy nest.Must at some time returnFor they do yearnFor a quiet place to rest.

There are so many things in this world tocoax us from our walk with Lord. Television, books, friends etc, but we can have a victorious life with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Narrow Road
The Bible speaks of the broad road, leading to destruction and The Narrow Road to eternal life. The broad -" many go in thereat". The narrow - "few there be that find it" (Matt.7:13,14)

Songs In The Night
It's great to serve the Lord when things are going well, but it's that time when it all seems to fall apart, that we need to really hold to God's unchanging hand, and know that he will never fail us.

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