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Trials & Challenges Poetry

Journey to Beauty
Sometimes the journey to true beauty is filled with twists and turns. It's discovered when embracing the picture God is painting - when knowing the precious grace He has shown. For He is doing something beautiful with our lives!

In The Storm
In the storm with Christ

Child of War
This poem has been written for all the children suffering because of war. May we continue to pray for them and their families. May we as people of the world turn to Christ - he is the only hope for true peace.

A Faded Portrait
Many people are suffering through dementia - a cruel disease. Many faithful servants are needing our prayers and support through this painful time. May we honor them by caring for them and listening to their cries for help.

Closer Than You Think finalist in poetry contest
Sometimes we are in pain and are longing for a miracle. Take a careful look - as it may be closer than you think.

The Straight Path
A poem about how easily our paths diverge from the straight path.

When Butterflies Curse finalist in poetry contest
Sometimes with eyes downcast it can seem all is against us! But when we lift our eyes to God it changes our perspective and we can see the beauty that surrounds us and know the blessing of His grace.

Describes how we question and look for a reason as to why God heals some people while others suffer.

Healing the Sunrise Blues
Time for us to embrace a brand new song. One that God has designed and one that brings healing and meaning to our lives

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