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Trials & Challenges Poetry

There's Hunger in this World. . .
Speaks to the hunger for love - the famine from the lack of touch - the state of hopelessness and loneliness. . .

Raised to Life
Raised from the ashes

The Lord Sees All
The Lord sees everything

Adam’s Lament
This poem explores the Adamic nature within the human heart and its inclination to rebel against God. In Adam’s reckless pursuit of knowledge, he spurned divine wisdom. We don’t know everything Adam said or thought, but we can empathize.

Walk into the Light
empty, barren and broken is the striving life. Blessed is the life resting in His grace, living in His light.

WHEN DARKNESS TAKES COMMAND finalist in poetry contest
When darkness takes command, call out to God. He is your shelter and will protect you from the fowler's snare - He will rescue you and be with you in trouble. Acknowledge Him - call on Him and He will answer. (Refer to Psalm 91.)

Remain Strong
Remain strong in the Lord

Turn to God

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