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Poems About Prayer

WHO ARE YOU? second in poetry contest
A challenge to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in these days that are desperate for revival.

Some One to Pray second in poetry contest
Sometimes we judge and turn away from people. Not knowing their story and pain. They need our prayers. Not just token prayers but prayers that transform our hearts and actions!

The Shelter
When we seek God in prayer, we are sheltered in His grace and love.

Jesus Tells Us to Pray
Jesus tells us to pray and love our enemies. . .For those who ask, they shall receive - those who seek shall find - and those who knock, the door shall be opened.

A Prayer for Help
Hebrews 4:16 says, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need". This poem is about seeking help from God for each day.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
a prayer seeking God's will for our lives

Exhausting Ways
We often exhaust ourselves through effort, stress and worry. Instead, may we exhaust self in prayer!

Our Prayer To The Lord
Psalm 143::1 KJV Hear My Prayer O Lord

Let it Go
A poem about forgiving others

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