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Creation Poetry

The Lord's Creation finalist in poetry contest
This prayer declares the Glory of God and the splendor of His Creation.

Wonder finalist in poetry contest
Have you ever wondered how all things came to be - did you notice the beauty of God's Creation? "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth . . . And God saw every thing that he made,and, behold, it was very good."(Genesis 1:1, 31, KJV

He's There
I wrote this poem as a way of describing how I see the presence of the Lord all around me.

Creation Songs first in poetry contest
I wrote this poem in 2002, while sitting on the porch in a country setting in Franklin County, Alabama, as I was watching the cotton in the fields swaying back and forth.

Poem for God finalist in poetry contest
This poem speaks of how wonderful God’s creation is - the stars, flowers, bush, mountains, etc. It finishes with a compelling question about recognising all of God’s handiwork in nature and yet daring to doubt His existence.

The Anvil first in poetry contest
This poem is created to reflect the glory of God in creating the universe with His words of creative love and generous artisanship. I sincerely hope and pray that this poem glorifies Him and blesses the reader. Have a great day!

Panorama second in poetry contest
I wrote this poem on my favorite spot, a green wooden bench somewhere in the Flemish countryside. Every time I sit there, a feeling of peace comes over me, and I feel awe for God’s handiwork. This is my attempt to capture the experience in words.

A poetic look at the major events of the Book of Genesis, submitted in several parts otherwise it is too long

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