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Creation Poetry

The Carpenter
When I wrote this poem, I was thinking about how God created ME and how he made sure that I was different than any other person. Also, I thought about the transformation that I made, when I met him.

Dawn of Grace
Creation all arounds us displays God's flair. The intimacy of His connection with us displays His grace.

Beauty in His Creation
When winter begins to shift into spring, it produces such a beautiful sight. This poem expresses the blessing God has given us to see the beauty in His creation.

A Place by the Sea
This poem is about enjoying a day at the beach. God gave us time to spend with our family and time to enjoy his creation. He is an awesome God and father!

Evening by the Lake
A poem describing the scene at Lake Louise. One of the most beautiful places I have been.

The Stillness - The Dark of This Night
It is the LORD that “giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night,” (Jeremiah 31:35, KJV). This poems tells of the stillness witnessed on a particular dark night. . .

A Cherished Treasure Made for a Purpose
God, our Creator, knit us in our mothers’ wombs and breathed life into each of us—we are His cherished treasures made for a purpose in His Perfect Plan.

Echoes of Creation
In "Echoes of Creation," nature's elements—from birds to flowers—whisper the timeless tale of Jesus's birth, miracles, and resurrection. As they question humanity's acceptance of His divine love, they reflect on the consequences of rejecting redempti

The Glory of His Power
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalm 19:1

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