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Future & End Times Poetry

Don't be Misled finalist in poetry contest
This poem speaks of the future - what is to come, according to God's Word.

Home At Last!
We're living in the end times. We're so privileged to be a part of this end times season. This inspired me to write this poem.

Twenty Twenty-Two
We tend to scoff at the prophesies of others. After all, If God's going to choose someone, it should be us! What has he/she got that I don't have? And while we're wrestling with our pride, we miss the message entirely.

The day will come…
A short anaphora poem, inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5 : 2 “ For you yourselves are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”, and 1 Thessalonians 5 : 3.

When the Saviour Comes
In Matthew 25:1 - 13, Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins, five of whom were foolish and did not take any oil for their lamps. Jesus warns believers to keep watch because the day and hour of His coming is not known to us.

The Sands of Time
Our human lives are but a breath, so important is the time God has given us.

End Time Condition
Friendly advice to the few in Christ, leave the surface struggles behind to take your flight as spiritual eagles.

The Judge is standing at the door
Inspired by Matthew 24-25; where Jesus talks about the signs of the end, and the coming judgment, and readiness and stewardship.

Freedom’s Sword
This is the direction America appears to be going!

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