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Christmas Poems

This poem is about what may have been going through Mary's thoughts at the birth of Jesus, when the wise men came to Bethlehem. The verse is in iambic pentameter. SDG

The Ox
A Christmas Poem about the Ox in the cave who witnessed Christ's birth

"The Christmas Poem" finalist in poetry contest
This is my take of the classic Christmas Event that is known worldwide.

Tommy's Christmas Prayer finalist in poetry contest
A young man's request for a special Christmas present.

"Christmas Wish"
If you were granted any wish for Christmas , what would you choose. This would be my wish!

" Long Ago And Far Away"
'This is an original poem that I wrote three years ago.

The Messiah Convention finalist in poetry contest
I wonder how often my views will turn out as only partially true. Glad for God's mercy and truth eventually made clear. This poem explores the differing views held around the promised Messiah's arrival. Written in limerick form.

The Father gave us His only son so that we who believe will be with Him forever.

A Christmas Story finalist in poetry contest
A Santa Claus Christmas story. The kind they used to tell in the early to mid twentieth century.

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