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Poems by Kevin Smead

poem count: 89 | pages: 10 | first place: 6 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 22 times
The Ministry
I always felt that I was called to preach, but over the past couple of years I have not been able to fulfill that calling. During this time i have had to learn that there are many other ways to serve God. One of the most important of these is prayer.

Father You are Glorious
This is a poem about the glory of God. It does the heart good to meditate on the glorious attributes of God and to remember that God, and all the He is, is for us. His strength and mercy and love make for a strong foundation upon which to build our hope.

The Bible tells us that we are to grow in grace. In addition to telling us to grow, it also gives us the keys to spiritual growth. A few of those keys are listed here.

Come to Jesus finalist in poetry contest
Jesus said that anyone who comes to Him will not be cast out. This is a promise upon which we can rest. Regardless of who you are, there is hope in Christ.

The Rich Young Ruler
The Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus seeking eternal life. The problem was that he thought eternal life had to be earned. Jesus faithfully showed him that this was impossible, and also taught his disciples this valuable lesson.

Christ is no Partial Savior finalist in poetry contest
The Bible reveals the shocking truth that sinners can be saved by grace alone, without the works of the law. Any attempt on our part to work for God's favor reveals a condition of unbelief.

One Perfect Life finalist in poetry contest
This reminds us that there are many ways that people seek to be righteous in God's sight, but any way other than the cross of Christ leaves people lost in their sin. Only Jesus can save us from our sins and give us the gift of eternal life.

The Fullness of the Cross
The Bible says that we have all gone astray and are by nature lost. Thankfully, it also tells us the way to return home to God. That way is the cross of Jesus Christ. By looking to the cross we see the love of God and the gracious way that he restores us

New Beginnings
It is easy for Christians to get off of track and spend many long weeks, months, or even years wondering in the wilderness. It is important for us at such times to remember that God can give us a new beginning and restore us to our first love.