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Poems by Kevin Smead

poem count: 89 | pages: 10 | first place: 6 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 22 times
Adam and Eve
The story of Adam and Even graphically reminds us of the evil of sin and of the awesome holiness of God. In addition to that, it also reminds us of the mercy, grace, and love of God. Even though they had fallen, God merciful clothed them.

Peter Do You Love Me?
There have been many times when I have failed the Lord. At such times the story of Peter has often been an encouragement to me. The Lord is so compassionate and kind to us even when we fail. He is able to restore us and use us yet again.

Not To Be Despised
There are many dear saints of God who have stood faithful to the Lord over the years.. They may be faint, but they are still pursuing. They may be weak, but they still hold the promises of God dear. May we all be encouraged to emulate their walk of faith

Christ is Risen
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a foundational truth of the Christian faith. Without the resurrection, there would be no gospel and all our hopes would be in vain. Thankfully our hopes are not in vain, and we have a glorious gospel to rejoice in.

Be No More Sad
There are many things in the world that can make us sad, but when we turn to the Lord in prayer we can be restored to joy and gladness. Prayer is a great resource in the Christian life, and one that we need to often avail ourselves of.

A Little Light finalist in poetry contest
God has given each of His children gifts. Although we are not all equally gifted, there is something for each of us to do.. When we get discouraged in our work, we need to realize that God is able to use our small gifts to bring glory to His name.

Resting in the Crucified
When confronted with the guilt of sin, people are often overcome with shame and grief. The only way to find true and lasting peace is to turn to the cross. It is at the cross alone that we find God's forgiveness and the free gift of eternal life.

Who is Jesus?
While it is impossible for our finite minds to grasp the fullness of Jesus, the names of Jesus found in the Bible can help us catch a glimpse of His manifold sufficiency and His ability to meet our every need. This poem seeks to set forth those names.