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Poems by Pearl Leona Sturgis

poem count: 217 | pages: 25 | first place: 2 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 24 times
New World Order
I revised the "Religious Order" from 16th century for today. It fits.

Come Out My Lord
I just wrote this today February 15, 2014 by thinking about the way we christians did not take a stand for the Lord when the country first strayed from God.

I Humbly Bow
I haven't written anything since last November. This Morning while reading the Bible in my quiet time I suddenly realized I didn't feelthe closeness I once felt. That inspired the poem.

Thanks Giving Prayer finalist in poetry contest
I wrote this in the 80s and have used it for Thanks Giving Table grace and many others also have used it.

The Same Sweet Savior
We are living in changing times but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever...

Wandering into Maryland
I was telling a friend how I am a homebody. I live in PA but sometimes I wander into MD to my old hometown. He said that sounds like a song. I woke up at 4 AM with these words.

How hast the Mighty Fallen?
Inspired by the Scripture..."Now is the Day of Salvation"

I was thinking about how tme flies and we plan things that never really happen. The scripture text...Take not thought for tomorrow. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Precious moment
.I wrote this long ago not too long after I was saved in June of 1960. Just came across it today...Easter Season ...