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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
God Will
God is able to change the direction of lives that have taken the wrong path. Trust in Jesus and let God work in your life.

Successful Endings
Often situations arise causing conflicts between people and through time and trials there are successful endings.

Loving Ourselves
We are told in God's word to love others as we love ourselves. To do this, then we need to examine the love we have for our self. Is it the same God recommends?

Inspiration Received
The most important event in my life was my second birth. However Jesus was not through with me at that point for He continues to inspire me today to praise Him for all that He does and will do.

Sin Freedom
Jesus died for all the sins of the world. Great or small, He died for them all. All but one. He said the only unforgiven sin is denying The Holy Spirit.

Beyond The Manger
In the Christmas season it appears that many people see the baby in the manger and never see the cross where He died for their sins.

An Opportunity
God gives everyone who has trusted Jesus as their Savior, the opportunity to be a missionary for Him each day no matter where we might be.

Love In The Highest Form
Jesus is The Bread of Life and in Him we can find the love that satisfies spiritual hunger dwelling within.

A Saved Soul Smile
I know that with every new day God brings me into, He has a reason for me to remain in this life. There's still a mission for me.