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Poems by Sybil Fulk

poem count: 12 | pages: 2 | first place: 1 time | finalist: 6 times
Help Me To See
This in one among many poems that I have written over the years, in times that I needed that connection with God that I had a hard time finding. No matter what is going on in my life, it has always helped me to write.

My Darkest Hour finalist in poetry contest
I wrote this right after I lost my husband of 23 years. It was a very difficult time, and as far as my faith goes, it was hard to hold on. God saw me through though, as he always does.

The Voice
This is a testimony of how God has intervened and changed my life in so many ways. I had a traumatic childhood because I endured abuse, neglect, and I was severe stutterer, just to name a few things.