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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Weary Soul
Living out of our efforts will make our soul weary. Time to be refreshed - time to accept Jesus's invitation "Come to Me"

The Loss of a Child
The devastation for the loss of a child.

What a pity if we fail to see the beauty of God's gift of the Sabbath. Instead we turn it into duty or we neglect the connection and refreshment it can bring. Sabbath so much more than being inactive, but more actively resting in His love.

The Promised Land finalist in poetry contest
This poem petitions the Blessed Trinity to protect, guide, enlighten, and to be with us each day. Promises are also made to be prayerful. obedient, reverent, faithful, and purposeful in guiding the lost back to God's fold - to the Promised Land.

Listening so you may Hear
Are we really listening?

Guardian Angel
A poem about Guardian Angels who God sends to watch over us.

The mystery of the heavenly
Written after watching Brian Cox's program on Black Holes

Sorrow and Comfort
Based on II Corinthians: 1. I was struck by the knowledge that ALL of our comfort comes from the Lord, no mater what shape it comes example friend, song, poem, kind word, or just feeling surrounded by God's comforting presence.

Resting in the Shadow of the Lord
A prayer for each and every one: I pray you rest in the shadow of the Lord where you will be sheltered from evil and embraced by wings of love - where angels lift you so you won't strike you foot on stones found upon the pathway of life.

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