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Poetry About Jesus

Perfect Love
I had to preach on the subject of Perfect Love and I wrote this poem to go with it.

Who is Jesus and why did he come?

My Jehovah
A poem that describes some of the many different names given to Jesus

What I'd Want to Be finalist in poetry contest
Have you ever thought about the days ahead and what you might want to be? Were you reminded that we were made in the image of Christ - were you reminded of His scars and what He had done for each of us? . . .

At The Foot of The Cross
Jesus is the only way truth and life. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Jesus died for us so that we could live for him and be saved and be with him forever.

Paid In Full
Jesus died my death to set me free. He willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for my sin. He paid in full with His life and now offers me eternal life through Him.

Christ is risen—He is alive! . . . and now we await His return--to gather all who His faithful ones, and the faithful ones who sleep.

He Spoke Not a Word
Jesus was beaten and bruised, yet, he said not a word. He kept silent like a lamb being led to the slaughter - He bore the sins of the world at a price.

King Jesus
This poem is about Jesus, our risen and reigning King, as we celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter.

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