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Poems About the World, Flesh & Satan

Ruler of This World
Speaks of the devil and how he is the ruler of this world and all its worldly pleasures.

Be you transformed…
Inspired by Romans 12 : 2(KJV) “And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind; that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”

Stop Abuse, Violence and Human Trafficking
There is so much abuse and violence in the world. Victims are held in captivity and sold against their will - Human trafficking is a problem throughout the world. This prayer is a plea to God to stop these heinous crimes, and to rescue the victims.

The Girl in the Mirror first in poetry contest
When you fall away so far you feel there is no hope; God will find you.

This poem relates to the extreme departure from God in the world, and the only hope is a return to Him.

The Next Worldly Flavor
The current state of many in society today who shun religion and ridicule belief in God and Jesus.

Believe in the Blood
Describes how belief and faith in God will protect you from temptation and the lure of evil.

Don’t Dance With The Devil
Satan tries to tempt us in so many ways. He tries to make sin look harmless and attractive but we must remember that he is a liar. We need to keep our eyes and mind focused on Jesus.

The Spiders Web
Do not be caught in the spiders web!

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