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Poems About the World, Flesh & Satan

Pride’s Wrath finalist in poetry contest
Examines difference between our pride and God's love.

In the Dark of the Night
This poem speaks to the many who have been taken captive, abused, and had their innocence stolen. . .

The Old Days
The old days will never come back. The times are ever changing but Jesus remains the same.

It is easy to get angry over the state of the world and the ridiculous agendas being put forward. The enemy is not flesh and blood but Satan the deceiver.

'Twas Dawns Early Light...
This poem speaks to the brutal surprise attack on Israel. . .

Condemned Sin
Using well-known, undesirable characteristics, the devil's works are at least in part brought to light by this poem. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is like iniquity and idolatry, I Sam. 15:23. New covenant, Jesus condemned sin.

A Word of Wisdom
Men need to be allowed to be men. Even if not married, they are to treat us like they'd treat their sisters or aunts. They are to take the responsibility for all immorality. Theirs is the final authority to stop it within the church, Adam wasn't decieved

A poem on the way God uses brokenness for His own ends.

Evil Thoughts
"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires," (Romans 8:5-6, NIV)

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