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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The New Day
Darkness: there before God spoke light: Separation of light & Dark & the beginning of time. All while The Spirit hovered over the face of the deep in darkness. This happens again as Jesus hovered in Darkness on the cross: our New Beginning Spiritually

You Shelter Me
Where ever we are, whatever is going on, our God is a might fortress, a shelter and source of strength.

My Father Said
I used to think that God did not Himself hurt us but allowed hurt in our lives. That is not true. Lamentations 3:31-33 speaks of God causing suffering but also speaks of His compassion and love.

Free Will
A poem about how free will holds the power to both destroy and save a life.

Even When
Even when the situation is hard

The Safest Place to Be
God wants us to gladly risk it all in the safety of His will. Having faith in God is the most sensible thing we can do. It might seem scary at times. But it is much more frightening to be relying on ourselves. It's time for us to step out of the boat!

I Journeyed on a Lovely Path
The Lord blesses us in so many ways, and when we are receptive to Him our eyes, ears, hearts, spirits and souls are open to experience these blessings.

God Whispers to My Heart finalist in poetry contest
God softly whispers to our hearts, but many times we are distracted and do not hear His voice. It is when we don't listen and do things our way, we learn a costly lesson . . .

Running Away
Do you run from the past and things you regret? Please know you are forgiven - your sins have been washed away forever.

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