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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
God is a Beacon
God is a Beacon that lights our pathway, and when we follow that Light, our souls do not roam.

Never Feel the Need to Hide
Although we sin, there is no need to hide from God. He is forgiving and loves us dearly. He also gives us options and allows us to make choices - to seek Him or another path.

This poem is a petition to God, asking that we be made open to see, to hear, to give, and to be sincere with our intentions.

Come One, Come All
This poem relates to Psalm 9:1-2, KJV: “I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High,”

God Sees the Hearts and Souls of Mankind
As our Creator, the Lord knows everything about each of us - He see our hearts and souls, and knows our willful ways.

Goodbye And Hello
This poem contrasts the sorrows of this world with the joys of heaven for those that are ready to meet the Lord.

Child Like
A poem written while watching my young granddaughter Beatrix (Bea) splashing in the pool having so much fun. We so often make life and faith so complicated. We need to come to Christ as like little children, trusting that He will supply all our needs.

Promises Remembered
When go through hard times we should always remember His promises. For He is faithful and committed to us. Time for us to be committed to Him and standing on His promises as we live out our lives

Desert Sands finalist in poetry contest
When we journey through the desert, our souls become parched and our eyes fail to see what is true. Temptation and deception strike, keeping us oppressed —in the dark—but when we call upon the Lord He leads us from the dry lands and quenches our thir

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