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Children Poems

Thanks for Spanks
Reflecting on the helpful and loving guidance of my parents during my childhood.

Don't Read This
A Children's Poem about right and wrong.

Thankful Parts
Our bodies were made to worship the Lord. Every part for the praise of His name.

What I Could Do When I Grow Up
A young girl considers what she might become when she grows up. It is meant to empower and inspire young people, and encourage them to think of exciting and interesting possibilities for themselves in our God-created universe.

I've Sometimes Wondered Why
A child looks at the animal world and asks questions. She wonders about some of the things she sees which don't seem to make sense. And then she concludes with a very astute conclusion for a child!

Considering the Birds
A child observes birds and how they act, and wonders why. She concludes with her realization that nature is amazing, and identifies its amazing source.

Things That I Don't Like finalist in poetry contest
A boy talks about the things which are aggravating to him. But in the end he makes it clear what's really important.

A Trip to the Zoo
A trip to the zoo from the perspective of the animals.

About the Birth of Christ
A retelling of the Biblical account of Jesus' birth.

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